Image of Team

About Cable Systems

Can you do some data cabling for us?

Of course! What's data cabling?

Our Story

Our lineage of seriously customer focused leadership coupled with numerous, well loved, exceptional team members is the why and the how of the what we are today. Eager to serve, years of experience under our belt, and the rare ability to actually listen to what others require.

The answer is always yes.

Uncle Ron in 1998


It was 1988 when Uncle Ron engaged in the conversation above, while undertaking electrical work at McDonnell Douglas. And so it was, the Cable Systems way was born.

Furthermore on the occasion of the birth of one of Uncle Rons sons, one of the Mainfreight originals requested some urgent service. Rons response of  "well my wife is in labour" was answered with, "how long since she started?", "an hour or so?”, “you’ve got ages mate."

Hence, needs were met. 

This undying devotion to our customers needs have continued ever since, we have a history of dropping what we are doing, working through the night, attending the day after surgery and so on and so forth. Admittedly our partners do tend to get a bit iffy, but disappointing a customer cuts us to the core.

Photo of people by van


Back to 1989 and Uncle Ron employed his spotty little nephew Ben Thompson who had freshly scraped through school C. Before long and with some motivational techniques now banned by law, Ben become a faithful apprentice and began to enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done.

Cable Systems van


Come 2004, Uncle Ron passed the torch to Ben, donned his sheepskin slippers and has been deservedly in the Lazyboy ever since.

Person with beer in hand


2008 brought the global financial crises coupled with Bens recent divorce and new found love of alcohol. The team dropped from 5 to 2, Ben & Ryan. Ryan had started his apprenticeship just 3 years earlier and had already shown his worth as a dedicated worker hellbent on customer satisfaction. He then went on to show his true moxie as we knocked on doors offering an hour of free electrical work and begging for crumbs when there were none going around. This initiative single handedly lifted us out of the depths and back on track as the crises diminished, Ben traded tequila for tea and we all ate buttered bread once more.

Image of Ben & Ryan


As 2014 rolled around it was time to hand half the torch to Ryan so he could lengthen his stride, with natural charisma and the skills to back it up, Ryan was soon selling our brand of service to one and all.

Ryan on a swing


In 2024 as the last of Ben’s hair softly and tearfully met the ground a further slice was sold to Ryan, and today, here we are, Ben 25%, Ryan 75%.

Our customer base and fabulous team continues to grow, learn and enjoy the fulfilment of a good day's work.

Talk soon.

Our founder!
Full respect, Uncle Ron

Uncle Ron with drink in hand